Top 10k strings from Shadow of the Beast (1990)(Gremlin Graphics Software)(128k).slt
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6 !!3;??;3!! 4 .].].].].].].] 4 *Q*Q*Q*Q*Q*Q*Q 4 &.[U[UZUZ-* 2 _[Q@LZQP`` 2 ?U*U*U*U*U*U*U 2 <'!%CCED_@A1 2 8KOEFcsQxXlTNFGO?=2 #CAHD 2 5W5W5W;[=]- 2 %*GJWIP` 19/'CAHD"1 2 %*EJWNT|6+'+52 #CAHD 1 the Shadow of the Beas 1 p8???801cg 1 jujujujuju 1 fgfgfgfgfghhhjk 1 ^#V#N#F#~#fo 1 ^#V#N#F!:_> 1 You step outside again< mindful of the fact that your torch wont last forever; 1 You step outside again; Are you looking for a torch? 1 You have freed yourself from 1 You emerge from the darkness into sunlight again; However< its late in the day and the shadows are growing longer; Its also becoming uncomfortably warm; 1 UjUjUjUjUjUjUjU 1 U3U3U3U3U3U3U3U3 1 U3U3U3U3U3U3 1 The castle door slams shut behind you; Sunlight has given way to an eerie red glow over the castle graveyard; 1 That wasnt a very valiant effort= 1 T T T T T T T 1 STOP THE TAPE AND PRESS FIR 1 REWIND TO START OF SIDE 1 Perhaps a key would have helped? 1 Peering over the edge you discover a rusting iron ladder; It looks fairly sturdy< so you start to make your way downwards; The air becomes noticeably cooler; 1 PRESS FIRE TO LOAD 1 PRESS DOWN TO RESUME GAM 1 Inside< a winding staircase descends into darkness; Pausing for a while to allow your eyes to adjust< you make your way down the steps< which seem to deteriorate into makeshift planks the further you go; 1 F S#Q!Q T T T T T ? 1 F S#Q!Q T ? 1 Cracked & SLT by MAC'96 :-) 1 COPYRIGHT SPIDERSOFT 1990<cCOPYRIGHT SPIDERSOFT 1990 1 COPYRIGHT SPIDERSOFT 1990!}a6 1 CONGRATULATIONS 1 Behind the heavy oak door a dark passage leads through a guard room to a wider set of corridors; Ahead you can make out a T junction in the passages; The air is thick with moisture; 1 As the mist clears< the eerie image of a forest forms in front of you; To the east< a vast plain extends towards the horizon; Westward however< in the thick of the forest< a thousand pairs of eyes pierce the mist< glaring despondently back at you; 1 ADZ\_beiifgfgfgf]`c 1 ?U*U*U*U*U*U.U*U*U*U*U 1 ??{`@@@@IDBA2 #CAHD 1 ??q`@@@L@`!08/#CAHD"1 1 ={}{}~p_>1 1 <)*88'(88+, 1 <'!%CCED_@@0 1 2-W[m^??zfLXqaCCG=2 #CAHD 1 1#gefmj_s`@ 1 ///77w7[;[;]-]-^.V.W+W 1 .?===:=}zZuJJpHpp@`@``@`@p(9 1 *U.].].].].]*U 1 ($BBB~~~<<< 1 $@$@$@$@$B%B%B!B! 1 ##33CCCSS!@ 1 ##33CCCSS! 1 "#$%$%++,,% 1 "#$%"#$%$%++,,% 1 ""22BBBRRbrX 1 """222BBBB! 1 " * * "!Z 1 !#{G[Q@LZQP`` 1 !! 0_JIQQQs 1 '"%"%"% r 1 $0<HP\0<LX 1 !"#$%"#$%$%++,,%